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Fish Oil

Need more Omega 3’s in your diet? Fish oil is the way to go.  You are able to drink the oil itself, or take it in a form of a pill. But regardless, it contains an essential amount of Omega 3 fatty acids. There are fitness related research that has show the upsides of taking fish oil:

–          Helps with exercise induced asthma

–          Insulin sensitivity

–          Metabolic functions such as lactic acid build up

–          Calorie burning

–          Joint flexibility

–          Supports healthy skin

Depending on what brand you choose to buy, each one will provide different amounts of omeg-3 content with different types of Omega-3, (EPA and DHA). Dosage of Omega 3s can range depending on the user. You can increase the dosage slowly and see improvements along the way. Be sure to contact your physician before taking any supplements as a pre-caution.

Overall, Fish oil is a great supplement to take if you want to lose that extra fat or stay healthy. But don’t forget healthy eating and daily exercise!


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